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    Oxxynova has shut-down its DMT

    production activities as of Dec. 31st, 2022.

    Unfortunately, we had to shut down our production as of end of 2022. The Dimethyl Terephthalate production and the entire industrial site are on a stand-by mode effectively as of February 1st, 2023. We would like to thank all our customers, suppliers and partners for decades of good cooperation and regret not being able to continue it. Our best wishes for 2023 to all our business partners.


    Waste Management Company

    In 2020, Oxxynova GmbH met all the requirements for obtaining certification as a Specialised Waste Management Company.

    In 2021, TÜV Nord carried out the first supervisory audit, which confirmed that the company still meets the requirements of the Ordinance on Specialised Waste Management Companies (Entsorgungsfachbetriebeverordnung – EfbV).
    The certificate is publicly accessible in the Register of Specialised Companies (Fachbetriebregister).



    • Site area > 550,000 m² authorised industrial zone owned by Oxxynova
    • Rail link on the plant premises
    • Motorway links to A2, A7, A1, A33 accessible within an hour
    • Chemical and industrial site
    • Distillationassets for solvents
    • On-site waste incineration asset
    • Site with direct and self-sufficient access to high-voltage and natural gas grid
    • Striking distance to the future hydrogen grid (Hydrogene Backbone)
    • Switch of existing natural gas piping to hydrogene usage in 2032
    • Licensed operating zone/Emergency regulated site according to the German Major Accidents Ordinance (Störfall-Verodrnung)
    • Existing development plan with a lot of free space for industrial settlement
    • No neighbarhood – lot of security distance
    • High potential of decarbonisation (electricity) due to serving assests on site – ongoing implementation
    • Safe green field asset without any legacy of pollution